February 22, 2013


ENG⎮An excerpt of David Orr's (Professor and Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College) essay on Designshare.com:

"No society that loved children would consign nearly one in five to poverty (New York Times, August 12, 2000). No society that loved its children would put them in front of television for 4 hours each day. No society that loved its children would lace their food, air, water, and soil with thousands of chemicals whose total effect cannot be known. No society that loved its children would build so many prisons and so few parks and schools. No society that loved its children would teach them to recognize over 1000 corporate logos but fewer than a dozen plants and animals native to their home places. No society that loved its children would divorce them so completely from contact with soils, forests, streams, and wildlife. No society that loved its children would create places like the typical suburb or shopping mall. No society that loved its children would casually destroy real neighborhoods and communities in order to build even more highways. No society that loved its children would build so many glitzy sports stadiums while its public schools fall apart. No society that loved its children would build more shopping malls than high schools (Suzuki, 23). No society that loved its children would pave over 1,000,000 acres each year for even more shopping malls and parking lots. No society that loved its children would knowingly run even a small risk of future climatic disaster. No society that loved its children would use the practice of discounting in order to ignore its future problems. No society that loved its children would leave behind a legacy of ugliness and biotic impoverishment."

– I don't (yet) have children of my own, but I agree, and it makes me mad and sad... FIN⎮Olen pahoillani, mutta tällä hetkellä minulla ei ole tekstin suomenkielistä käännöstä. ITA⎮Sono spiacente, ma per il momento mi manca la traduzione del testo in italiano. Se volete, potete riferirvi a quello in inglese pubblicato sopra.

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