January 20, 2018

Loop, Loop, Loop

Photos ⎮ kuvat:   Katja K.

ENG   "Begin as you mean to go on, and go on as you began... ("Charles H. Spurgeon) – Planning on a weekend brunch in Helsinki? Why not go for a vegan brunch at Loop?

After the craze of food and drink sharing applications, a number of food waste restaurants opened their doors in Europe: Freegan Pony in Paris (temporarily closed), Instock in Amsterdam, and Rub & Stub in Copenhagen. The restaurants usually work on food donations from supermarkets, bakeries and producers, including, for example, slightly battered bell peppers or bread that has passed its expiration date the day before.

"Did you know that... if food waste was a state, it would be the world's third largest in emissions.  #fromtastetowaste 

There's one in Helsinki, too: Loop, in the former Lapinlahti hospital facilities, serves lunch on weekdays and brunch on weekends. Loop co-operates with about a dozen Helsinki retailers, and it delivers roughly 90 percent of the food it receives to charity and helps unemployed young as well as immigrants and long-term unemployed get to work. Loop was originated by the From Waste to Taste project and has received financing from the European Social Fund. – I tried the weekend vegan brunch! Fully recommended, remember to book in advance!

FIN "Tiesitkö että… jos ruokahävikki olisi valtio, se olisi päästöiltään maailman kolmanneksi suurin." Suunnitteletko viikonloppubrussia Helsingissä? Mikset kokeilisi Loopin vegaanista brunssia?
Ruokarinkien ja ja food sharing -sovellusten yleistyttyä Euroopassa on avattu useita hävikkiruokaravintoloita: Freegan Pony Pariisissa (väliaikaisesti suljettu), Instock Amsterdamissa ja Rub&Stub Kööpenhaminassa. "Ravintoloiden raaka-aineet tulevat yleensä lahjoituksina supermarketeilta, leipomoilta ja tuottajilta. Mukaan voi sattua vaikka kolhiintuneita paprikoita tai edellisenä päivänä vanhaksi mennyttä leipää." (Mondo, 6–7/2016)
Helsingissäkin on hävikkiruokaravintola: entisen Lapinlahden sairaalan tiloissa toimiva Loop, jossa tarjoillaan arkisin lounasta ja viikonloppuisin brunssia.  Loopin kanssa tekee yhteistyötä noin kymmenkunta helsinkiläiskauppaa, ja se toimittaa noin 90% noutamastaan ruoasta hyväntekeväisyyteen ja auttaa työttömiä nuoria, maahanmuuttajia ja pitkäaikaistyöttömiä pääsemään kiinni työelämään. Loopin taustalla on From Waste to Taste -hanke, joka on saanut tukea Euroopan sosiaalirahastolta. – Minä kokeilin viikonlopun vegaanista brunssia! Suosittelen! Muista varata eukäteen!

Love (food, don't waste it), Katja K.

PS Also check out Waste & Feast, a lunch restaurant operating at the Matteuksenkirkko church in Helsinki that taps into the raw material chain of food waste restaurant Loop. Waste & Feast employs young people at risk of marginalization and aims at 60-70 percent of the lunch ingredients being surplus food.Tsekkaa myös Itäkeskuksen Matteuksenkirkolla toimiva Waste & Feast -lounasravintola, joka käyttää yhteisiä raaka-ainekuljetuksia hävikkiruokaravintola Loopin kanssa. Se työllistää syrjäytymisvaarassa olevia nuoria, ja sen tavoitteena on, että hävikkiruokalounaan raaka-aineista 60–70 prosenttia olisi ylijäämäruokaa.

January 4, 2018

Love Your Home!

The horseshoe and animal figures painted gold were a gift from Tofu & Talli, the text from Rita.

"Introduce it to your friends. Don't keep your wonderful (or on-the-way-to-wonderful) home under wraps. Sharing it with friends, neighbors, and family can inspire you to keep it cleaner, make improvements more often, and simply enjoy it more." – Apartment Therapy. Complete + Happy Home (Potter Style 2015)

See the globe? It used to sit on my mom's desk when she was a teenager. –  My home is a collection of found or received things, and the vintage Ikea sofa is one of the few bought objects!

Expecting holiday guests...

Photos ⎮ kuvat: Katja K. (The entryway chair in the small image is a flea market find, the cushion from Tallinn's Telliskivi.)

ENG I've been so grateful to spend some time at home these holidays, curled up on the sofa, reading books, after having spread my grandparents' old oriental carpet on the floor for warmth. – Which ones of the below "8 ways to love your home so it loves you back", by Apartment Therapy, have you done these holidays? I've done them all, lucky me...

"1 Treat it right. If you see something that needs attention around the house – a leaky dishwasher, a loose piece of trim – take care of it ASAP. Letting things go in the short term almost always exacerbates the original issue, costing you more money and time in the long run.
2 Buy it flowers. Picking up an inexpensive bunch of flowers (or cutting some from the yard) on a regular basis is a staple of Apartment Therapy's January Cure, our annual guide to starting your year off right. It's a small thing that goes a long way. Colorful blooms can serve as a visual reminder throughout the week that your home – and you! – are worth treating well.
3 Eat delicious meals together. Whether solo, with family, or for guests, cooking at home is always worth it. Each time you prepare a meal, the benefits increase: your cooking skills sharpen; your kitchen gets more streamlined, because you refine its organization as you use it; and, of course, you get to eat really good home-cooked food.
4 Serenade it. Turn up music and belt out a few favorites the next time you're in chores mode; it's way more fun. You can even use the music as a motivator; challenge yourself to finish washing the kitchen floor before the next song starts. You'll clean more energetically and end up happier.
5 Appreciate its uniqueness. No home is perfect. It's the quirks that give it character and charm. Taking time to turn a challenging spot (a dark entryway, a supersmall bedroom) into an eye-catching design moment is one of the more satisfying projects you can take on – and doing so will make you love your space even more.
6 Don't crowd it. Be diligent in letting go of the things that you don't need. Your home should be more than a place to store your stuff. Leaving some room to grow is essential to being comfortable in your place, long-term.
7 Don't skimp on the time spent together. It's easy to prioritize the time you spend outside your home: working, socializing, exercising. But carving out time on a regular basis to spend an evening in – cooking a meal, taking a long bath – creates a necessary home-life balance. Plus, you'll hit the ground running the next day.
8 Introduce it to your friends. Don't keep your wonderful (or on-the-way-to-wonderful) home under wraps. Sharing it with friends, neighbors, and family can inspire you to keep it cleaner, make improvements more often, and simply enjoy it more." – Apartment Therapy. Complete + Happy Home (Potter Style 2015)

Books on happy homes – guess which one I found under the Christmas tree?


If you're into Apartment Therapy: Apartment Therapy. Complete + Happy Home (Potter Style, 2015), if you're into DIY on a budget: A Beautiful Mess. Happy Handmade Home (Potter Style, 2014) – I've already mentioned it here – , and if you're into the Finnish style: Cozy Publishing's Happy Homes series – I've already mentioned Happy Homes. Hideaways (2017) here

FIN Olen ollut kiitollinen voidessani viettää aikaa myös kotona lomien aikana, käpertyä sohvalle ja lukea kirjoja, levitettyäni isovanhempieni vanhan itämaisen maton lattialle lämpöä tuomaan. – Mitkä yllä luetelluista, Apartment Therapyn kirjasta löytämistäni "kahdeksasta tavasta rakastaa kotiasi niin se rakastaa sinua" sinä olet tehnyt lomallasi? Minä olen onnekseni ehtinyt tekemään kaikki...

Love (my recycled home), Katja K.

January 3, 2018

12 X 2017 (What's next?)

ENG Year 2017 took me to Copenhagen and the Mediterranean – Crete and Barcelona, Rome and Tel Aviv, and bicycle riding in both my home Helsinki and the beautiful Finnish towns of Joutsa, Loviisa and Porvoo…

And ups and downs! And I sincerely wish for joy, and love, and light, and peace – and health for each and everyone of us in 2018!

These here were my twelve most liked Instagram pics this year, featuring details at Generator Rome; Holiday – and Natalia, Natura and Signora Delizia in Helsinki; Malmgård mansion; The Postel in Tel Aviv; Villa Linnea in Loviisa… and one of my sister Salla's beautiful cups, full of funnel chanterelles picked in November! 

FIN Vuosi 2017 vei minut Kööpenhaminaan ja Välimerelle – Kreetalle ja Barcelonaan, Roomaan ja Tel Aviviin, ja pyöräretkille kotikaupungissani Helsingissä ja kauniissa suomalaisissa pikkukaupungeissa Joutsassa, Loviisassa ja Porvoossa...

Ja ylä- ja alamäkiin! Toivonkin vilpittömästi iloa, valoa, rauhaa, rakkautta – ja terveyttä meistä jokaiselle vuonna 2018!

Nämä tässä olivat kaksitoista suosituinta Instagram-kuvaani tänä vuonna, ja niiden yksityiskohdissa esiintyvät Generator Rome Roomassa, Holiday – ja Natalia, Natura ja Signora Delizia Helsingissä, Malmgårdin kartano, Postel Tel Avivissa, Villa Linnea Loviisassa... ja yksi Salla-siskoni kauniista kupeista, täynnä marraskuussa poimittuja suppilovahveroita!

Love (peace & recycled), Katja K.